Automated Liquidity Improvement (ALI)
We started Axeptia based on a problem in the market. Connecting relevant data sources to get a complete picture of what your customers owe you and the risk involved, was highly expensive and reserved for the few big companies which had the cash to build it. The only viable option back then was to get a consultancy team to build a module within your ERP-system and connect the needed data. Issues with this set-up are
- High up-front cost
- Vendor lock-in
- No maintenance
- No knowledge-sharing between companies
We solved all the above by creating Axeptia. Axeptia has become the neutral, industry-agnostic, best-practice credit management software. We provide the missing link between the different data-points in a B2B-customer’s daily operation.
Today we share some major updates within Axeptia, with our network:
- We have started selling our own credit information in the Norwegian market (thanks to our partner Bislab)
- We have added the possibility to automate the actions you make within the service
- We offer our customers to take a larger piece of the collection-pie through our partner KapitalKontroll
Together with some of our existing features this makes up what we now call Automated Liquidity Improvement (ALI).
We recently delivered Automated Liquidity Improvement to the first customer, and the results are already amazing. Our service catches invoices that never before would’ve been caught by the human eye.
We are finally able to be a one-stop shop for all collection services a company might need.